
Maybe you've chanced upon this blog the same way many of us do, by "Googling" our name, the name of our employer, etc.  Perhaps, for whatever reason, you are following a due-diligence plan and finding all you can about a topic, a person, a company, etc.  I thought it would be useful to take all the publicly-available information (mostly, if not exclusively, the fruits of internet searches) and present it in an objective, organized manner.  Arguably the companies themselves are only reflections of their protagonists.  However, this blog neither expresses an opinion, nor does it suggest that you form one, about the individuals and companies that find themselves here.

The BTU alumniAnecdotal evidence suggests that in the span of a few short years quite a few people have worked at BTU Ventures, BTU Industries, and other affiliated companies.  Honestly, none of "us" would be able to guess the extent of the BTU alumni network.  

The BTU companiesThe BTU group of companies (hopefully it will become clear later what I mean by "group of companies") are, as far as I know, all PRIVATELY held.  Moreover, the BTU group of companies have spanned numerous and diverse regions of the world.  Being private entities, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) would not be a source of any kind of information. The fact that the BTU group of companies are "headquartered" in Massachusetts means that The Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Corporations Division, has some information related to customary corporate records.

The BTU lawsuitsRegardless of the reasons for their origins, the US Federal, Massachusetts state, and Caymans judicial systems have seen their fair share of lawsuits involving the BTU group of companies and their principals pass through their courts.