BTU Lawyers

Litigation needs lawyers.  The BTU companies have a cadre of willing and very able lawyers at their disposal.  The following list is not complete and is based on the latest publicly accessible information re: Attorney of Record.  The format used is the following:  Name of Attorney, Firm, Note (if any)Company Represented, Multiple Roles in Litigation (where applicable)

Abbreviations are used as follows:
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale And Dorr LLP = Wilmer Hale
Foley Hoag LLP = Foley Hoag
Burns & Levinson LLP = Burns & Levinson
Wael Al-Mazeedi = Al-Mazeedi
Mitsue Oishi = Oishi
BTU Ventures, Inc. = BTU Ventures
BTU Industires Holdings (USA) = BTU Industries
BTU Holdings Company = BTU Holdings

Hayat litigation (Cayman Islands):
  1. Maples and Calder, BTU companies
Hayat litigation (USA):
  1. Richard A. Johnston, Wilmer Hale, BTU Holdings
  2. Joshua D. Jacobson,  Wilmer Hale, BTU Holdings
  3. Dennis J. Kelly, Burns & Levinson, Al-Mazeedi and Oishi (tbc)
  4. Thomas T. Reith, Burns & Levinson LLP, Al-Mazeedi and Oishi (tbc)
  5. Leonard G. Learner, Law Offices of Leonard G. Learner, Al-Mazeedi and Mitsue Oishi (tbc)

Side Note:  They are also very thorough in their efforts (see 3rd row in table):

IFIC litigation:
  1. Richard A. Johnston, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  2. Lisa Amatangel, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  3. Leonard G. Learner, Law Offices of Leonard G. Learner, "Unnamed Consulting Company" (established as BTU Industries Limited in court filing by Leonard Learner)
  4. Dennis J. Kelly, Burns & Levinson, Al-Mazeedi and Oishi
  5. Thomas T. Reith, Burns & Levinson, Al-Mazeedi and Oishi
Betancourt litigation:
  1. Richard A. Johnston, Wilmer Hale, Lead Attorney, BTU Ventures (Plaintiff and Counter Defendant)
  2. Harry T. Daniels, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures (Plaintiff and Counter Defendant)
  3. Joshua D. Jacobson, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures (Plaintiff and Counter Defendant)
  4. Leonard G. Learner, Law Offices of Leonard G. Learner, BTU Industries, Plaintiff
McBrearty litigation:
  1. Richard A. Johnston, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  2. Harry T. Daniels, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  3. Joshua D. Jacobson, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  4. Leonard G. Learner, Law Offices of Leonard G. Learner, BTU Industries
Murphy litigation:
  1. Harry T. Daniels, Wilmer Hale, Lead Attorney, BTU Ventures
  2. Richard A. Johnston, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  3. Joshua D. Jacobson, Wilmer Hale, BTU Ventures
  4. James W. Bucking, Foley Hoag, Lead Attorney, BTU Industries
  5. Robert A. Fisher, Foley Hoag, BTU Industries
  6. Jamie L. Matthew, Foley Hoag, BTU Industries
  7. Brian P. Bialas, Foley Hoag, BTU Industries