forthcoming action (scheduled for December 7, 2011) in the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands regarding the petition by Qatar Investment Authority to Wind-Up BTU Power Company

Cause List for the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands for:

The company that is the sole source of Wael Al Mazeedi's personal, VOLUMINOUS cash flow, BTU Power Company, is on the agenda for December 7, 2011.

link to PDF file:  Cause List for Week Commencing 5th December 2011

Wonder what Matzo Oishi (Fiona) and Wael [Note: hence, the appellation for MW Partners] together with the ONE AND ONLY:
Simon Firth (Maples & Calder) are "scheming" together regarding these upcoming events?  How are they going to continue playing "keep away" with the Middle East investors' money?  Well Done, Simon!