Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Murphy: WH filed Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance (March 31, 2011-April 1, 2011)
Betancourt: WH filed a Motion to Withdraw as Attorney (April 4, 2011)
After SO MANY years of representing Wael Al-Mazeedi in all US-based litigation involving partners (Hayat), former investors (IFIC and ASEAN), former employees (Murphy and Betancourt), former contractors (McBrearty) they are gone in the span of a few days! They've become history.
Open-ended Question
They have been Wael Al-Mazeedi's principal cudgel (shock troops, storm troopers, etc.) for ALL kinds of disputes. Wael Al-Mazeedi could seemingly just simply "beat" people and companies into submission through them. How (WHY) does someone walk away (if that's what they did) from the source of many thousands (millions?) of US dollars in fees? I imagine it's not on the basis of higher principles (or maybe IT IS).Are the *ats leaving a *inking ship? I guess we'll find out shortly.
[Note: In our "non-expert' and "non-legal" interpretation attorneys have to "petition" (file a Motion with) the court to allow them to withdraw (i.e. drop the client - say, Al Mazeedi) when the "client" hasn't given consent for the attorneys (say, WilmerHale) to "walk away."]