(In Official Liquidation)
(“The Company”)
The Companies Law
Notice of Creditors’ Meeting (O.8, R.2)
Grand Court Cause No. 35 of 2011
Registration No. 125586
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the first meeting of the creditors of the above Company will be held by telephone conference from the offices of KPMG, 2nd Floor, Century Yard, Cricket Square, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands at 10:00am Cayman time on 13th April 2011, on international access number 1(281) 319-9872 or US access number 1(866) 212-4398, participant passcode: 5302584637#.
In order to be eligible to attend this meeting each creditor is required to have submitted a Proof of Debt and have sent written notice of his/her intention to attend to the Joint Official Liquidators, contact Lea Kuflik on lkuflik@kpmg.ky by close of business on 11th April 2011. Should any creditor wish to submit a claim against the Company, please email Lea Kuflik on the above email address to receive a Proof of Debt Form in accordance with the Companies Winding Up Rules 2010.
Dated this 28th day of March 2011.
Joint Official Liquidator
The address of the Official Liquidators is: PO Box 493, Grand Cayman KY1-1106 Cayman Islands Contact for enquiries:
Ms Lea Kuflik
Telephone: 345-815-2601
Facsimile: 345-949-7164
Email: lkuflik@kpmg.ky
Address for service:
P.O. Box 493, Grand Cayman KY1-1106 Cayman Islands
Telephone: 345-949-4800
Facsimile: 345-949-7164
link: Gazette Office - Cayman Islands Government
link: BTU HOLDINGS COMPANY - Certificate of Incorporation
link: BTU HOLDINGS COMPANY - Register of Members
link: BTU HOLDINGS COMPANY - Register of Directors and Officers
from the Hayat litigation Appeals Court decision
FN1. According to Hayat's affidavit '[t]he BTU group companies are a fully integrated whole with each serving BTU Holdings.' Subsidiaries include BTU Power Company (BTU Power), a Cayman Islands corporation controlled by BTU Power Management (Power Management), a Cayman Islands corporation with its principal offices in the United Arab Emirates. Al-Mazeedi is the sole director of Power Management. BTU Ventures provides services to BTU Power on a contract basis on behalf of BTU Holdings and is incorporated under the laws of Delaware with its principal place of business in Massachusetts.